I’m not much of a gardener. My thumb is definitely not green. Yet every spring, I get the urge to plant something. I mean, who can resist all those pretty flowers at the garden center. Not to mention the promise of veggies planted with care.

Over time, though, I have learned my limits. Flowers in the front yard are relatively easy. The sprinkler waters them and a hefty layer of mulch tends to keep the weeds away. And while I’m enamored with annuals, I also plant a lot of perennials that will bloom at different times of the year.flower bed

In the backyard, we tend to stick to container gardening. My husband loves hibiscus.Hibiscus

But I like herbs. Especially basil. basil(Confession time. This is my second round of basil this year. The first round died over spring break because no one was home to water them. Silly me, expecting it to rain in March. 🙂 )

Most herbs are relatively easy to grow. That is, assuming you actually  remember to water them. I always plant basil because I like to cook with it and caprese salad is a summer favorite. I also use it to make pesto, which I can freeze and use any time of year.

Now it’s your turn. I want to hear about your garden. Are you gardener extraordinaire? Does the thought of working the earth and growing your own food thrill you to no end? Or are you convinced you have a black thumb and that any plant you touch will die?