Where is Your Focus?

Where is Your Focus?

God is so good. He truly is. Standing at the kitchen sink today, up to my elbows in soapy dishwater, I stared out at the rain, suddenly and overwhelmingly struck by His graciousness. It was a humbling moment because, so often, I fail to consider all that God has done...

Big Changes

  Change is inevitable, or so they say. Yet, many times, we try to avoid change. We like the status quo, even if it’s not perfect, because change is usually accompanied by uncertainty and the unknown is always scary. Well, recently my family made one really...

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I’m not much of a gardener. My thumb is definitely not green. Yet every spring, I get the urge to plant something. I mean, who can resist all those pretty flowers at the garden center. Not to mention the promise of veggies planted with care. Over time, though, I...


Bluebonnets. A sure sign that spring has sprung in Texas. They adorn roadsides and pastures. And the aroma is pure heaven. I love spring. It’s when nature awakens after a long winter’s rest. The colors are more vibrant because everything is new. Spring...

What’s Happening

What a summer this has been. Birthdays, deadlines and a book release were just some of the highlights. But, when deadlines are involved, nothing can slow you down.  Good news, though. Book four has been turned in. And just in time, because next on my agenda was...